Last night I took some of the Young Women on a hike to Ensign Peak. The internet assured me it was an easy hike, appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. I approached the activity with confidence that it would be a positive experience for us all.
Glancing towards the ridge we were going to ascend, I wondered if we had been fooled by an over-zealous reviewer of this supposedly easy trail. Our goal looked even more ominous at the trailhead, but, while ignoring the murmurs of some of the girls, we moved forward with a determination to get to the top!
My body (and spirit) responded to the challenge in positive ways. I felt invigorated as the trail required more and more from me. Eventually, we did reach the summit and enjoyed breath-taking views and cooling breezes.
A view from the trail
The hard work to get to the top was so worth it. Every one of us made the goal. WE ALL SUCCEEDED at what we had started out to accomplish! Each of us got to the top. Each of us enjoyed the the views and the breezes. It didn't matter that some of us got to the top sooner or easier than others. It didn't matter that some of us made the journey with smiles and positive attitudes while others needed a little more love and encouragement. We all made it to the top because we were all willing to Pay the Price to get there.
Life is so like that! The prize is promised to anyone willing to Pay the Price - to make the sacrifices, to exercise the discipline to do what needs to be done, to choose the right, to bless the lives of others, to be kind and loving and all that good stuff. We each have to make our own journey at our own pace. I can't make it for you and you can't make it for me. The attitudes we choose determine if the journey will be happy or not, or if we are invigorated by the challenges we face or not. But, regardless of how we choose to make the journey, sticking to the path and following the guideposts along the way - Paying the Price - assures us all eventual success!
Remember this, when you remember me.
Momma B
Oh Kathy, I love this! It's profound! You must be an awesome YW leader! God bless!